Saturday, 15 December 2007

The end is is here...

Exciting week these last week... I went to Hua Hin for the long weekend with my friend was fun. Fir the one last time to the beach experience here in DECEMBER!!!! We were havinbg a lot of fun and it is aöways good to travel with someone whpo can speak a bit Thai.. We went to the monkey temple in Prachuab KiriKhan and then we go to Hua Hin which was pretty turistic. We chose our Hostel on internet the day was a bit out of HuaHin centre but pretty nice... and we were very lucky because one of the employees offered us his tickets with a value of one thousand baht to go to a special HuaHin night concert organized every year...with free buffet dinner and concerts, the main act being THE saxophonist with a veryy talented singer (woman) (both Thai) and pretty famous. Yes... so look at the pictures and see for yourself...

By the way, Im enjoying my last few days here and I dont think there will be much more to tell...except the singing contest in which I took part in the Hotel and on Tuesday Im invited to the 'president' or responible person from the ambassy of Luxembourg in Thailand...after that on Wednesday, I will join the staf party from Sofitel and say goodbye to everybody the day after is my flight ... so hope toi see u soon...


Anonymous said...

Bin im Kopf bei Dir am Meerestrand im Dezember und warte gespannt auf Deinen Bericht über die Landsmänner aus der Botschaft.

Anonymous said...

Moien Bubu,
vill Spaass nach fir deng lescht Deeg am Land!


Anonymous said...

Bis bald in Luxemburg!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a very good experience. Maybe I manage to write you some time when you're back.

marie said...

who is old old nck yes me????
help ^^
and thanks i am back now and it was an awesome experience!!!