So like written in the title, getting used to the nice company and actually talking with people all the time, sightseeing etc got me very 'high' this last week... The problem is now that they are gone again, I can not help but feel alone and somehow sad...I miss my family and friends...and I can not wait for my turn to go home again.
I think this is normal though and that I will get used to the 'loneliness' again. And its not that I am totally lonely...its jsut that I dont really have one person I can call or meet and tell this person everything, my state of mind..that is why in some strnge kind of way, this blog has become this 'friend'. I think already by only writing these things..that I will instantly feel better...
Not even 3 months to go and I have my parents visiting me at the end of October to which I can look forward to as well... so its not all bad ^^ and eventhough I feel a little down these times I think Im very lucky to be here to live a life for 6 months that a lot of people will never know. Afterall it is normal to feel homesick from time to If my readers want to cheer me up with something..please feel free to write a comment or to send a link or something ^^
Okay ... the pictures I will put will show u a lot of dishes we ate ... just to give u an ides...and after all food always cheers us up no? ^^ ...
Marie PIPI !!!! Je comprends tout a fait ce que tu ressents !!!
J'ai quelques liens sur youtube supers rigolos mais je crois que tu ne peux pas acceder au site...
Sinon, pour rigoler un peu:
Vivement fevrier !!!!!!
Nach véier Wochen, da si mer do. Da kenne mer di herrlech Platen am Paradies genéissen.
hallo Bubu,
decken Kuss fir eng lonely Paradiso-Maus
Et ass (wéi beim Kleeschen) net méi lang....
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