Hello everyone!
I just wanted to tell you about my strange 'rencontre' with the cineplex here in Bangkok! Its not normal...it is so big and looks so luxurous..and Im surprised (me that always thought we had a big cinema in Luxembourg) to see always something new about it. So yesterday I went to see 'The Fracture' (not that bad but not that good either) and snce I was a little late there were only VIP places left... I quickly made a decision since I did not want to wait for 2 hours and accepted the VIP place...woooow never seen any like it.. I have a picture, I will put it on later. After a quick stop at STARBUCKS (of course there was also a starbucks just in front of the cinema and the luxurous waiting zone) I finally found!! the cinema hall number 2. A lady helped me into a seat no sorry I take that back, she helped me into a sofa!! I had my own little table in front and the sofalike seat was electric so I could move back and forth and lie down. Then she came with the blanket and a pillow and as I was getting comfortable...there next surprise...everyboday in the room got suddenly up. I looked around, wondering if I was in the wrong room and if the movie was already finbished...then it occurred to me; there was the kings music and a movie about the king and since we had to show our respect EVERYBODY had to get up... considering i dont even do that for my own 'grand-duc'.. than the movie started and I laid back in my sofa and shut the curtain that was around my seat (oh did I forget to mention the curtain?).
"curtains down"
have to go picture later after I come back.,..