Since it is my second Monday here in Bangkok something very strange struck me.....and it wasnt the fact that they drive on the left side here (like in England) because I got already used to that ;oP ... No what struck me was, that everybody (really almost everybody) was wearing yellow!! At the beginning I thought it was just at the hotel like a uniform for the guys working in my hotel (accounting and other offices), but no..when I got on to the was the same..
Then I asked my friend Ooy, who was of course in yellow as well, what it is with this yellow? She then explained me in her so cuute English of hers that; In Thailand everyday of the week has a specific colour..monday is yellow, tuesday is pink, wednesday is green (obviously!!), thursday is orange, friday is blue, saturday is purple and sunday is red! SO what is the point of giving this colour...mhh..! I just know that u can check on what day u were born and then u know your colour: Mine is orange!! The Kings Birthday was on a Monday and since Thai are very happy with their King ..every Monday they wear something yellow!! Its amazing to see! For those who knew this already (sorry to bore you) and for those who didnt (I hope some didnt) I know it is not veeery important to know ... but I found it most interesting anyways! OKAY so I will rest from my 2 hours in the gym (fitness WITH trainer) and I'll be back soon... ;oP
Are you kidding?! That's crazy! Never heard of it so far...
Auch für mich ist das neu. Ich habe mal meinen Geburtswochentag gegoogelt, für den ich mich bisher kaumm interessiert habe: ein Freitag. Ist es ein Zufall, das blau meine Lieblingsfarbe ist?
Eine kleine Bitte: Könntest Du am Freitag ein Straßenbild in Blau schießen?
Each day a different color? This is a funny fashion! :D
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