Ahh finally...Im joining the club; Im one of the I don't know how many millions of people that think that somebody out there will be interested in what they think, write or post (like pictures) about themselves...with the exception that I made this blog basically because the people, my family and friends, wanted to know where I am at in Bangkok and what I am experiencing everyday!
I must admit that this is probably the most exciting thing I have done in my life and I am far from regretting my decision to leave...eventhough I miss Luxembourg and its people a lot.
It is an adventure to work in a country, even if it is in an hotel,in which almost nobody understands english and everybody speaks thai...adapt you say...I will, actually I bought some cds to learn thai more easily...but it is not very easy...surprisingly ;)
The strange thing is that I dont feel alone...even though I do not have that much contact with people around I feel that I can go to everybody who speaks even if it is just a tiny bit of english and talk to him, sometimes if they feel confident speaking they (they being thai people again) will come up to you and start a conversation. Thai people are sooo friendly...they will never turn you down ( most thais anyways), they are polite and we laugh a lot..even though we dont understand each other thaaat good... It amazes me to see that it is still possible to get along well with people and not feeling alone in a place where you are one out of 9 million approximately.
Okay I think I declared my love to Thailand there, for the record; I will stay 6 months and I ve been here for 1 week now...so lets just see what happens. For the moment I am still captured by this place, by the flow; its energy. However(even being captured to my positive first impression) ...there are some inconvenients that I will probably mention later on..lets get on some pictures!!
1 comment:
Happy to read "I don't feel alone" on your blog... it's an excellent point. ;)
See u!
Your roomie
NB: You see? I am improving my english writting thanks to you! {sorry for the mistakes... :p
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