Yeah wow loong WEEKEND this weekend...Fridaynight I met in my friends house the people he is living with: the man thai and the woman japanese...I think their girl is the most cutest baby ever!! So i just had to take a picture and post it here... She is very nice and fuuuuulll of energy!
Then we went to the Vegitarian Festival (for one week) in Chinatown..and for one day I didnt eat meat or fish or anythng from animals..its very annoying ^^ but I did it!
(So proud) then I left with Ooy and her boyfriend to go home to leave early the next morning to see her parent who leave outside Bangkok (3 hours driving) in a province called Chai Nat (said China) Very nice we cooked thai Fishcakes, Som Tam and Stcky Rice...we ate a lot all the time..and I still dont know how Thai people stay so thin!!! It was good fun and after eating we wentz to the park to see butterflies and flowers and to take a look at their Crocodile farm and their was very nice and relaxing. I saw a lot and as always I experienced a lot of different and interesting things! Her family was very nice...but unfortunately they didnt speak a lot of English so the communication was a bit restricted and I saw a lot of THAI movies and series ^^
All ind all it was anpother very rich experience and Im home , exhausted because of the medecine that I take against the many Moskitoes that bit me again!!
okay so looong... Kisses
Wei leif, daat klengt! Sain Papp ass zwar och en Muussert!
Cous, cous
Marie !!!!! Tes histoires font rever et je vois que tu profites à maximum !!! Tu as bien raison, c'est la seule façon de pas regretter !
J'espere que tu vas bien !!!
Gros Bisous !!!
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