Tuesday 9 October 2007

Panic at the Hotel!

Yesterday we had a firealarm training planned at the Hotel for 4 o'clock! 10 minutes past 4 it started ringing and all employees hurried down the firealarm stairs from 11th floor to ground floor. We did it many times and its always funny...however this time was a bit different. While my friend Ooy and me were waiting for allt he other employees to get back up with the elevator we were talking until there were almost no people left anymore. We waited in front of the 3 levators and startewd betting on which one would be the first to open. Ooy was sure to take the left one and I honestly didnt care because it meant that for thr time waiting we could talk and didnt have to be that serieous than in the office...
Finally the elevator on the very left opened and about 6 or 7 people entered. There was still space and we laughed and said that we shouldnt have eaten too much else the elevator would not get us up. Suddenly when we arrived at the 1rst floor the lift stopped abruptly and fell about one meter down. SHOCK!! My friend and me were shrieking because of this suddenly pretty serious situation. The thing was that the lift didnt dtop then but continued falling a little bit every time. i couldnt stop thinking that we were almost on the floor so even if we would fall down that nothing very bad could happen (fortunately)..
This situation went on about 2 min before we heard some people coming for help. Fortunatly people were making fun of the situation now and I have to say that everybody stayed pretty calm. Because of the continuous little up and falling sensation we startted making fun of it, because we felt safe again. As a joke I now took out my phone and said loudely thatr I will have to call my parents to say good bye.. Everybody laughed and 1 minute later we were saved by the security man of the Hotel. After the first shock it turned out pretty funny...but it also gets to remind you that life can be very short and that u should take advantage of any minute ur healthy and breathing!!
Okay so on, carpe diem!!


Anonymous said...

Das Paradies hat also auch seine Tücken. Oder war es bloss ein kleiner Hinweis, dass das Ende immer irgendwo lauern kann? Mir gefällt besonders die humorvolle Art, in der Du, Ooy und die anderen Gäste mit der Situation umgegangen. Mein Kompliment!

Anonymous said...

umgegangen seid.

Mecha said...

I'm happy you're safe!
(just back from Sicily, it would be nice to chat soon together)

marie said...

hehe jo noom éischte schock bleift engem o net vill aaneschtes iwwreg wi en witz driwwer ze maan...konnt och net verhenneren kuerz un 7/11 ze denken...di situatioun wanns de wees et as gleich eriiewer..also sou serieux woor et net!! woor o nemmen opo deen éischte schock...naja jo as lo mi bewosst dass all daach e cado as...also: genéissen: shopppiiiing!!! ^^ dk