Text will soon be added...
okay okay... and who is anonymous?? However, my parents came to seem me last week and it was pretty nice to see Bangkok as a tourist again even if only for 2 days (because I had to work) But I think I could make them feel at ease here and show them perhaps a bit mor then the average tourist will see in one week (which is short for a city like bangkok) According to their remarks I think that they liked it very much and I didnt have any other comment until now (between all my different visitors) I really want to show this city to everybody because eventhough its pollution, the hot weather and sometimes the annoying taxidrivers (my parents now know what I am talking about) this city has a lot to offer, palaces, culture, food and at last (but REALLY not at least) the people! The people you meet here daily and the ones I know from work are just darlings...I am going to miss them a lot when Im gone and I really want to come back here as soon as possible (saying that while still being here haha)
Of course I know that there are a lot of difficulties and the language (communication between falang and thai) is only one of them! Okay but Im not here to tell you this, I want you all to come here so you experience it ^^ one month to go if you want to stay for free!! ^^
Back to my parents, i finally managed to see the khlongs which are the small riverstreets on the other side of the river of bangkok which was pretty nice to see...you cant see any skyscratcher and you feel miles away from bangkok when it is just around the corner... we were lucky with the weather as well and I have to say that it is even better know..it is winter and you see the people with long sleeves ...but actually it is still hot with a little bit of wind (lets say a hot day in Europe would be the same) Okay however, I showed them chatuchak market as well and I think that was a bit of a shock ^^ because it is just so different from everything we know...I remember my first time there..wow...
the other day we just went to the shopping malls (air conditioned) shop a bit and relax...eat ice cream...the other days I left my parents on their own and I think they managed more or less well...they went a lot by foot ^^ but normally in bangkok you get quickly used to taking a taxi or a tuktuk because everything is just so faaar away! well and then unortunately for my parents they had some problems with the airlines; to come here they almsot lost 2 of their 2 luggages and got one back immeditaly but the pther one got send to them on the next day...as for the return to London/Luxembourg, the plane didnt start so they had to fix it and my parents had to stay in abngkok for one more night and happily got one flight back to london where there was only one flight left to go to geneva, where they suddenly got back with luxair to luxembourg.
I hope my flight back will be okay...especially because I haaate flying.
Okay that was my report with delay..sorry for that...whoever my fan was ^^
D'Fotoen vum Josette sin zum Deel gudd ginn; besonnesch déi mam Bubu. Hat wärt Der se mailen, wann et e wéineg Loft no dem Schoulufnak an eiser ustrengender Heemrees gehol huet.
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Dat ass e flotte Rapport. Besonnesch d'Erennerung un di verdreemte Khlongen. Den Anonymus huet leider vergiess gehat, säi Numm anzedroen.
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