Ech mengen et get mool Zeit fier main éischten letz. Andraach. Sin souwisou net vill Lait di de Blog liesen an net letz. sin! ^^
Maja wollt mool bessi iwwert mai Sozialt Liewen vun hai schwetzen...
Wi gesoot di meeschten Thai sin ne grad su bewandert am Engleschen oder iergendenger Sprooch ausser Thai. Dowinst kann et haiansdo (sproochlesch gesin) relatif einsam gin. Mee daat woor gréisstendeels am Moment kennen ech di leit di mat mer schaffen scho besser an verschiddener trauen sech lo och puer Sätz op Englesch rauszebrengen. An deem Department wu ech schaffen (Cost Control F&B) sin ech mam Ooy, waat sech em mech kemmert an mer mettlerweile scho richteg un Herz gewuess ass, de Chef (Moo) vum Dpmnt., dee menger Meenung no keng foutéiert an lait alles um Ooy, an dann na een dee sech nemmen em Beverage bekemmert, de Pan. Mam Chef hun ech mengen ech na ni mam Pan amfong o na net su richteg well hien baal nemmen Thai schwetzt an nemmen selten Englesch schwetzt an versteet. Mee mier verstin ais awer deck zimlech witzeg... ass haiansdo e bessen wi mat engem daafen ze kommunizéieren (also 2 Daafer di mateneen kommunizéieren) mee haut hun mer mool baal eng richteg Konversatioun mat nicken an sou ferdeg schon zimlech Erliefnisreich daat ganzt!
Ech muss soen ech versti mech super gudd mat deene meeschten, mee et mierkt een dann awer o (waat e sech besser kennt) dass et awer na grouss Ennerscheeder kann gin waat Edukatioun, Manéieren, Gewunnechten a Gespréichsthemen ugin.
Mee natierlech emsou méi interessant fier mech e richtegen Ableck verschaaft ze kréien. Daat eenzegt, wat mer lo na mi kloer gin ass, waat mech ufenkt mat nerven as d'Relatiounen zweschent de Fraen an de Männer. Egal op Thai männer an Fraen oder Falang an Thai sin na net graad souwait mat der Emanzipatioun wi sech daat op den éischten Ableck ugesait! Ee vu de Meedercher vun der Arbescht huet mer erzielt dass et opwuel et guer keng Locht dozou haat mat sengem Frend geschloof huet, nemmen well et net wollt eng ganz Diskussioun draus maan. Ech hund aat su krass fonnt...hun awer su gemaa wi wann et okay waer...froen emch awer lo op ech ent awer soll eppes soen...mengen awer net dass ech eppes maan kann.. Mee as awer huet mer erzielt dass et express mega lues gemaa fier pennen ze goen an extra na Buch gelies huet an wi et dun gemengt huet e ging schloofen wollt et luuues Luut ausmaan an zack du woore beemool rem hellwaakreg...Mee pardon et schafft menger Meenung zimlech vill am Moment an wann een da net engkéier kann Nee soen...daat as jo scho baal Viol!! An hun haut an der Zeitung gelies dass et bai ville Thai Koppelen su waer dass de Mann dFra quasi vergewaltegen ging an dass Fraen daat acceptéieren gingen well se mengen et waer huier Schold oder sou...
Daat woor mool ahut su de Schock... an jo dann di dégeukasse Koppelen hai ; fetten (reichen) aalen Preiss oder Fransous oder waat o emmer sicht sech eng jongk Thai Beauté!! HELLEEEEF!!! Losst di Meedercher da mat Rou!! Et sin esouuu léiwer...
Maja sin awer lo ab denowend geet et an RCA (Party Quartier hai zu Bangkok) allez bis demnächst!!
Friday, 31 August 2007
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
Long absence...
Sorry I didnt write for quite some time...I didnt pay my internet bills since my money (salary) just evaporates every month..
I still havent paid but I told them I will pay by the end of the month..and apparently they believed me because I have my internet back!!
Some news, I met a philippino guy who is working in my hotel and speaking (even teaching) english...we go out sometimes and its fun, but then he told me (OVER SMS) that he loved me which I found pretty strange after 2 weeks of knowing one another...
Then I thought I felt a bit alone and got myself a rabbit...but nothing to write home about, befcause he died 2 days after I got him...he didnt want to eat and then he got diarrhea...well it wasnt funny but well...its life...I guess..
At least my social life is getting more interesting and I will have some visit from luxembourg in September ...and Im looking forward to talk in my language again and to see them and show them around of course!!
What else lets see.... I hope nobody reads this blog hahaha
People will think I am a heartless, bunnykilling and heartbreaking bitch..
Okay enough I am very tired and obviously have nothing really to talk about...^^
I still havent paid but I told them I will pay by the end of the month..and apparently they believed me because I have my internet back!!
Some news, I met a philippino guy who is working in my hotel and speaking (even teaching) english...we go out sometimes and its fun, but then he told me (OVER SMS) that he loved me which I found pretty strange after 2 weeks of knowing one another...
Then I thought I felt a bit alone and got myself a rabbit...but nothing to write home about, befcause he died 2 days after I got him...he didnt want to eat and then he got diarrhea...well it wasnt funny but well...its life...I guess..
At least my social life is getting more interesting and I will have some visit from luxembourg in September ...and Im looking forward to talk in my language again and to see them and show them around of course!!
What else lets see.... I hope nobody reads this blog hahaha
People will think I am a heartless, bunnykilling and heartbreaking bitch..
Okay enough I am very tired and obviously have nothing really to talk about...^^
Monday, 20 August 2007
Gwen Stefani in tooownnn!!!
I know not a very nice picture but I have a video as was pretty nice the show...I wantewd to see a concert like this in a long time..and I wasn't deceived..
The princess of Thailand was there as well and Gwen and her Cancers and Musicians rocked the scene!!! Thai girls went crazy and screamed like hell..
After the show the big problem was to get a taxi..One would think that it would be easy t get a taxi in Bangkok..but suddenly aftetr the concert there were so many people all the Taxis full until there wwas only me and a Japanese guy with whom I wanted to share a cab. After half an hour one axi was finally available but did not want to put on the Meter that measures the money u have to pay per KM and asked directly for 300 baht. We found it a bit too much and did not want to pay such an amount. So we denied and waited for another 10 minutes..the next Taxi stopped (FINALLY) and asked for not less than 500!! baht. It was quite a shock and my freshly found Taxisharer got that upset that he tapped on the Taxi and almost started a fiught because the driver eanted to take advantage of our night far from Bangkok centre with a now almost deserted street...
I almost started to lose hope to find a taxi when suddenly tha 3rd taxi stopped at the winking hand of my 'friend'.
Thanbk god this taxi driver wasnt that kinky and took us with him to go back to Bangkok. Happy and exhausted after one hour spent one the street almost crying for a taxi we fell into our seats and were FIBALLY FINALLY driven back home...
Indredible the Taxi drivers here...soime are very nice but some just take advantage..or sometimes they chose if they take you where u want to go or not... Imagine in any other country ( I know at least) that you ask a Taxi to go somewhere and the Taxidriver laughs, waves no with his hand and head and just drives off!!!
Well ... thats Bangkok I guess!!
Happily there are normally so many Taxis that its just a matter of time to get to the destination of your wish!!
Cho Ping WE!!
So this weekend I had some visitors at my appartment and we went to shop around Chatuchak market and Night Bazar...
On Friday night, we first went to a Bowling, Karaoke bar? and then we went to a sort of 'Concert bar' like in Luxembourg the Atelier, BUT everything the band was playing was in thai (naturally). The entrance was free but the beer quite expensive..we dances for some time and went home again..I have to say I really start to like Thai men...^^
Okay Im quite tired so I let the pictures tell the story for me:
Monday, 13 August 2007
A weekend away in sunny paradise!
So much for the rainy season...I got so much sun that I am actually burned very badly now! But it was a lot of fun. I met a guy from Shanghai and we went to visit and cruise the island together ... it was very relaxing not too many people, good weather and the beaches were...PERFECT!! Even after the people from work told me I would never find a place to stay because of the long WE etc..but that was no problem I got a bungalow on the beach for myself with basics(bathroom, bed and a MIRROR!! haha) and free moskitos as well but for 500 baht it was correct..and vveeeery close tot he beach! I took some pictures when I cam into the bathroom the floor was moving so many insects were there so I turned on the shower and washed them away! After we went on a trop to discover the different beaches and to try the sea!! There were beaches where we were practically alone and this was amazing!! However to move from the east side to the west side we had to take a taxi (because wee wanted to see the famous sunset on Ao Prao) and this was quite an adventure since the 'roads' were very bad u sat on the truck and had to grip on the car not to get thrown out of the car...
After we watched the sunset and had a bite and a cocktail we went back cloeser to our bungalow to grab a beer and after we watched a pretty amazing fire show on the beach ..and directly next to us were some americans sitting down with a guitar and singing was very nice...after we rested a bit more we went to the 'beach disco/bar just next to our hotel and danced our asses off! It was really at 2 oclock we went back toe the bungalows to fall into our beds...
In order to give u a better idea of this weekend I put some pictures in...enjoy...because I most certainly did!! ;oP eventhough Im burned now...^^
Friday, 10 August 2007
Long Weekend...!!
Okay back now and in a better mood as well... the Weekend (long weekend) is near and I was very social these days so my mood is goig better all the time. Fortunately. The smell I could barely bear last time seemed to be Durian (conserved, not fresh) and I still think its the wosrt of all smells!! Well its perhaos because Im a farang...but anyways..
So this Weekend I have big plans to go away to ko Samet an island near Bangkok which seems to be quite dry, even for the rainy season..I think a bit relaxation on the bech will do me good. Tomorrow Im going to sleep at the Hotel, because Ooh (a friend of mine) was employe of the month last month and she 'won' a dinner at Mistral and a room in the Hotel for 1 night So tomorow is Pijama party and then cards evening I think we are going to play a thai version of Poker, with money...but not a lot...and I planned to leave the morning after...with the bus first to Rayong the Ban Phe then with the boat to Ko Samet. I will be back on Monday to show you guys some 'hopefully' nice pictures of the beach! ^^
Okay so then so long... see u dear readers!
and Nice weekend to you too..
So this Weekend I have big plans to go away to ko Samet an island near Bangkok which seems to be quite dry, even for the rainy season..I think a bit relaxation on the bech will do me good. Tomorrow Im going to sleep at the Hotel, because Ooh (a friend of mine) was employe of the month last month and she 'won' a dinner at Mistral and a room in the Hotel for 1 night So tomorow is Pijama party and then cards evening I think we are going to play a thai version of Poker, with money...but not a lot...and I planned to leave the morning after...with the bus first to Rayong the Ban Phe then with the boat to Ko Samet. I will be back on Monday to show you guys some 'hopefully' nice pictures of the beach! ^^
Okay so then so long... see u dear readers!
and Nice weekend to you too..
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
this smell...
I was working today and I was not feeling very well..OI think i reached the point where I ask myself what am I doing here on the edge of the far away from home...and I miss home a lot...but I guess this is normal and that it is because the first WOW effect from Bangkok is fading...(I still like it a lot here though)
I think its like having a new love..after somewhile the first adventurous and exciting time is fading but then the next phase is coming...the more serious phase where the love develops more... ^^ Okay I probably exagerate a bit comparing Thailand with love between 2 people, but thats just the metaphor that came to my mind...and since Im not Thai nobody can call me a patriot! Haha...^^
Today another Metaphor came to my mind...well its more the metaphor of somebody else..namely Proust. Exactly the one from The Madeleine in the Tea, only that in my case it was not that nice and comnfortable. There is a lady in my office (it is funny because all the people in my office match to a special caracter) this lady is the LADY, she is always very nicely dressed and only eats low fat and very healthy...and I guess that why she brings her rice etc but this time ( I was sitting next to her since her ususal neighbour was off) she took something out of her office that had the most disgusting smell I smelled in a long taste...It was the kind of smell that remided me of something I knew but I could not help and felt sick the moment I smelled it. It was HORRIBLEm between the eversame work I do and one of the girls that piut one song they play on the computer that will repeat for the whole day if I do not say change the song please... SO between the ever same work, the samne turning song plus this unexplainable completely WRONG smell I just wanted to cry...
Now when I think back it was kind of funny...The only thing missing was somebody hitting me for my touch-sense and that the lady offered me to take a bite of this 'thing' that smelled so bad I wanted t cry, well as for the sight...numbers arent that beautiful to see...
After that 'torture' I decided to go eat in the restaurant from the Hotel to relax a bit and to eat european to feel less ... stranger...
And sipping on my nice cappuccino...I must say I felt directly a little bit better...
I think its like having a new love..after somewhile the first adventurous and exciting time is fading but then the next phase is coming...the more serious phase where the love develops more... ^^ Okay I probably exagerate a bit comparing Thailand with love between 2 people, but thats just the metaphor that came to my mind...and since Im not Thai nobody can call me a patriot! Haha...^^
Today another Metaphor came to my mind...well its more the metaphor of somebody else..namely Proust. Exactly the one from The Madeleine in the Tea, only that in my case it was not that nice and comnfortable. There is a lady in my office (it is funny because all the people in my office match to a special caracter) this lady is the LADY, she is always very nicely dressed and only eats low fat and very healthy...and I guess that why she brings her rice etc but this time ( I was sitting next to her since her ususal neighbour was off) she took something out of her office that had the most disgusting smell I smelled in a long taste...It was the kind of smell that remided me of something I knew but I could not help and felt sick the moment I smelled it. It was HORRIBLEm between the eversame work I do and one of the girls that piut one song they play on the computer that will repeat for the whole day if I do not say change the song please... SO between the ever same work, the samne turning song plus this unexplainable completely WRONG smell I just wanted to cry...
Now when I think back it was kind of funny...The only thing missing was somebody hitting me for my touch-sense and that the lady offered me to take a bite of this 'thing' that smelled so bad I wanted t cry, well as for the sight...numbers arent that beautiful to see...
After that 'torture' I decided to go eat in the restaurant from the Hotel to relax a bit and to eat european to feel less ... stranger...
And sipping on my nice cappuccino...I must say I felt directly a little bit better...
Saturday, 4 August 2007
New Side of Thailand...
Today after work I was invited to go to a dinner because one of the employees was leaving the I joined the troop.. Okay I guess I was , because I found that the guy that was leaving was kind of cute. Of course I told my dear friend not to tell him, but by magic he was suddenly sitting next to me on the 'table' talking to me eventhough he is very shy and we did not talk a lot before either...
So thats when it started to get embarrassing...he asked me to go out with him tomorrow (saturday) and I accepted because I really wanted to... Ooy and I were going to to go to the cinema after (to watch ratatouille) and I had the spontaneous idea to invite him. He drove us there, but did not talk. ooy and I laughing in the cinema...he was not ... Shy okay bit...soooo shy?? i never saw this before... And then ..the trip home...the trip who I think is quite horrible: the fear of being alone with somebody you do not really know...who is not talking that much and to top it... is not that an expert in English language... I was surprised though that he was reading a book in ancient greek, because rarely spread are the Thai that speak or read anything else then Thai. So this 10 neverending minutes ended finally with him asking for my number and telling me that he wanted to go to Ayuttayah wit me tomorrow..which I found so cute that I could not say : No ...
I think he was just terribly nervous..and I heard him whispering things to him whcih I found kind of strange as well...
I think it is much easier to say No to somebody who wants to push you to something (because you get angry I guess), but if the someone is asking you like this and the absence of words is almost killing you, your lips just ca not perform a was just impossible.
So now I will have to go...I still want to try to change his mind and at least not to go to Ayyutaya (which is like almost an hour from Bangkok) (in the car!!!! again), but somewhere in Bangkok to visit a temple here somewhere! I think being in a car with someone is the worst, because you can not pretend doing something you are not and if the driver has to stop because of a red light its even worse... Okay we'll see, like I say what doesnt kill you makes you stronger and it sure is an EXPERINCE. Oh by the way, eventhough it mustnt have sounded like it, I was pretty happy somebody asked me was about time.. ^^ okay cu
So thats when it started to get embarrassing...he asked me to go out with him tomorrow (saturday) and I accepted because I really wanted to... Ooy and I were going to to go to the cinema after (to watch ratatouille) and I had the spontaneous idea to invite him. He drove us there, but did not talk. ooy and I laughing in the cinema...he was not ... Shy okay bit...soooo shy?? i never saw this before... And then ..the trip home...the trip who I think is quite horrible: the fear of being alone with somebody you do not really know...who is not talking that much and to top it... is not that an expert in English language... I was surprised though that he was reading a book in ancient greek, because rarely spread are the Thai that speak or read anything else then Thai. So this 10 neverending minutes ended finally with him asking for my number and telling me that he wanted to go to Ayuttayah wit me tomorrow..which I found so cute that I could not say : No ...
I think he was just terribly nervous..and I heard him whispering things to him whcih I found kind of strange as well...
I think it is much easier to say No to somebody who wants to push you to something (because you get angry I guess), but if the someone is asking you like this and the absence of words is almost killing you, your lips just ca not perform a was just impossible.
So now I will have to go...I still want to try to change his mind and at least not to go to Ayyutaya (which is like almost an hour from Bangkok) (in the car!!!! again), but somewhere in Bangkok to visit a temple here somewhere! I think being in a car with someone is the worst, because you can not pretend doing something you are not and if the driver has to stop because of a red light its even worse... Okay we'll see, like I say what doesnt kill you makes you stronger and it sure is an EXPERINCE. Oh by the way, eventhough it mustnt have sounded like it, I was pretty happy somebody asked me was about time.. ^^ okay cu
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Lets complain...
Complain..? No not really, but since the name of my blog is experiencing Thailand...sooner or later I had to face the bad experiences that could happen in a country like Thailand. Monday, on my free day, I might add, my neck scratched a lot and then I suddenly got a lot of stomach aches and I could not help but run to the toilet all the time and at some points I couldnt even stand on my feet anymore... So I decided to get home as quickly as possible. I took the first cab and drove home. I went to bed and called my family, because I felt suddenly so alone and they immediately told me I should go and see a doctor. Well after lying on the bed I felt better so I wanted to wait what would happen. But then I felt that it was not going to be better but worse, so I got up knocked on the door of my neighbour who was not there, but happily his girlfriend was who was very friendly and could seak Thai and English equally good. She then asked me if I wanted to go to the hospital and since I did not want to take any risks I accepted immediatly. We went to the next clinic and I got some medicine and the doctor told me that I was foodpoisoned. Then I quickly took the Taxi home, because I didnt feel like walking anymore and after lying in bed again things got even worse and the pill that I took against nausea and vomit did not quite hold its promises. Everything hurt and even Tuesday morning I was still feeling quite bad so I could not go to work. Only today I felt good enough to go to work and eat again!
Still now Im very tired and I guess it is because the antibiotik I have to take.. well then...
Finally its not all paradise here...but almost ^^
hope that you who read this are all fine!! (It reminds that it is so important to be healthy)
Still now Im very tired and I guess it is because the antibiotik I have to take.. well then...
Finally its not all paradise here...but almost ^^
hope that you who read this are all fine!! (It reminds that it is so important to be healthy)
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