Yes, I have to admit I was a bit too lazy these days, with the writing...and it was not because of my job absorbing me too much, believe me... I see that it is getting more interesting though, step after step. Today, for example, a guy from Accor came to us and explained us some new features of Fidelio and then I wrote an Excell file to make things easier which was way better then to control invoices and ordering files. Eventhough I like working in Food Cost as well...this was more credit management and I had a much better insight in how things work today. So eventhough I worked late (and sorry for not being on time for the skype phone call, the one who is concerned, knows) I was feeling much better about what I was doing.
Also to bring up the news; I was invited to Oils parents, who live out of Bangkok, this weekend (long weekend off until Tuesday) so that they would get to know me, Oils Mum is English teacher so at least no problem with the communication there and her grandmother apparently prepared something Thai to cook, so I could learn cooking, (and I was looking forward to it) but then I remembered that I said that I could lodge 2 people coming from Luxembourg here... I thought it was later than this weekend but apparently I was wrong so these plans fell into water. In the very beginning I was going to meet Sma in Shanghai who is visiting and also to see China of course, but eventually I found that the fee was too high plus the visa and I remembered that my salary was not that high!!
So now Im looking at a more relaxed LONG WE with the girls, so I can speak luxemburgish hahaha som nana for all the Thais that speak Thai all the time. Time for reveeenge!! (som nana means like: domm gaang, i do not know how to translate in English!!) I already planned to go to Chinatown tomorrow with Oil looking for some stuff..the girls are coming later on if I got that right and in the evening I planned to go out on Khao San road, which is the backpacker, out go street here; lots of falang. BUT Im not only going with Falang but also with my dear ladyboy friends, I think we are going to have lots of fun! I hope!
And Sunday (obligé) I go to Chatuchak Weekend Market!! Perhaps we can also go to the park and relax in the sun, or take a trip on the boat...we'll see..
Okay that is my update for this week, Im still very happy and I am even more happy to have some company this weekend.
Oh, one more thing, Oil told me that there was a 3 month period coming (something like the ramadan) starting next Monday, in which you can not drink alcohol (for 3 months) and one of the other rules (which noone follows apparently) is not to have sex for 3 months as well! There are some other rules but she only told me these, since she is allergic to alcohol I think that is not going to be a problem for her. As for myself..Im not alcoholic, if I was...well I would had have a problem not drinking for one month already and I DONT, but I like the idea of having a glass of wine if I want to. So i think Im going to stick to 'christianity' eventhough I dont follow the 'Fastenzeit' either, or am that religious either..
Okay bye bye..